Separate Collection

Information on Collection

Basic information on separate collection of lighting equipment

EKOLAMP organizes the collection of end-of-life fluorescent lamps, discharge lamps, luminaires, large and small appliances in cooperation with our contractual partners.  The amounts accumulated are transported by professional companies to reach authorized recycling plants where they are treated and recovered in an eco-friendly way. 

It is our intention to create a network of collection points that would be reasonably accessible to all end-users so that they could bring back such non-functional electro-equipment free of charge and in any quantity. Collection is carried out regardless of the  trademark or the date of being put on the market in the Slovak Republic. 
Separate collection options:

      • Lighting equipment stores that have become our partners, the so-called take-back places (TBP). The consumer can bring back end-of-life electro-appliances belonging to the above-mentioned categories free of charge while purchasing new ones.
      • Separate collection yards that have become our partners, the so-called separate collection places (SCP) operated by villages, towns or specialized waste management companies. End-users can bring back non-functional electro-equipment here free of charge and in any quantity, with no conditions attached.
      • Collection points – end-users can bring back non-functional electro-equipment (especially lamps) here without purchasing any new items. At these collection points, our small collection containers are placed and they are accessible to every citizen.
      • Individual solutions regarding a free-of-charge take-back can be proposed by Ekolamp to those with a significant number of end-of-life lamps.
Cooperation Options


        • Lighting equipment stores can take back end-of-life electro-equipment under the current legislation. No special permits are required for this activity. EKOLAMP supports such stores by placing collection containers there or by providing carton boxes for the initial amounts as well as by supplying them with promotional leaflets and informational posters. They help the end-user recognize the types of lamps that should be collected faster and more easily. In this way, the distributors of lighting technology can provide their customers with progressive new environmental services and the customers will be able to bring back their end-of-life fluorescent lamps and discharge lamps while purchasing new ones.
        • Separate waste collection yards and collection companies are welcome to cooperate with us based on a mutually beneficial agreement. As a result of this agreement, we provide them free of charge with special collection containers for non-functional fluorescent lamps and discharge lamps as well as with our cooperation when they carry out separate collection. The collection companies have to meet the legal requirements regarding their permission to manage and transport hazardous waste in compliance with the relevant legislation. We are pleased to support the actual activities of separate collection and accumulation of the particular kind of waste by giving our collection partners some  informational materials similar to those mentioned above given to the lighting equipment stores. In addition, we provide promotional, ecological awareness raising  stickers to label the municipal waste containers. When the special Ekolamp containers are full, they are picked up and replaced with empty ones, all of which is organized by Ekolamp. The collection companies are remunerated for their own activities related to the collection and accumulation of fluorescent lamps according to the agreement.
        • Collection points are yet another option of bringing back non-functional fluorescent lamps and discharge lamps which is not connected with purchasing new ones. Collection points are equipped with our collection containers and collection is carried out based on a contract. Such places are e.g. village municipal offices and town halls, schools as well as some other public places equipped with our containers.

The lighting equipment stores that have become our partners, collection points and collection companies are presented on our website to the general public and we recommend them to every producer or end-user. Together we contribute to better environmental protection and to sustainable separate waste collection that will make Slovakia more beautiful.

Have we sparked your interest? Do you have any further questions?
Please feel free to contact us.
Our e-mail address is:
or:  0911 / 436672

Collection media
Plastová zberná nádoba

A plastic collection container

Malý kontajner

A small metal container

Veľký kontajner

A large metal container




What does and does not belong to separate collection?

What shoudn‘t be collected

Čo nepatrí do separovaného zberu

What should be collected

Čo patrí do separovaného zberu

0914 / 224 444

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